Once I decided it was time to re-do my boys bedroom, changing it from the fish/underwater theme we'd had going on since their nursery, to a more little boy-ish baseball room, I've been pinning ideas like crazy onto my
Boys Room Re-do Ideas board on Pinterest.
One of the things I really wanted to do was this:
http://sassyscarlett.blogspot.com/2011/01/baseball-curtain-rod.html |
But #1 Superman was not excited about drilling a hole in a ball ("it will unravel...blah...blah...blah...excuse...blah...blah...blah") and #2 the longest dowel I could find at Lowe's was 48" and Thing 1 and Thing 2's windows are 45.5 (add the bracket and what you insert into the ball, and trust me it wasn't long enough.
I started looking into other curtain rods, but I wasn't impressed with the quality (read: sturdiness) or the price of the ones out there. This one from Sears.com was 19.99 a piece plus shipping, and look how thin the actual rod is! My boys would break it with one tug of the curtains.
Then inspiration hit. I went on to Lowes.com and found these plain white curtain rods for $11.66 a piece. Solid wood with 1 1/8 inch barrels. And pick up from the store was free. And the rods were ready for pick up 20 minutes later.
I brought them home and put them up. They fit perfectly!
Then I pulled them back down and using a red sharpie marker, I free-handed stitching around each round finial.
And voila!! They look fab, if I may say so myself! :)
Next step: decide on curtains. (These are just placeholders until I find what I really want.)
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